Education and Training Institutions

My company wants to update and extend our training offer. We aim to create the best content for our clients, find out about their skills gaps, support their career, and find out about new trends in new skills.

360º Skills view.

This gives you a complete overview about the new skills that are the most important for jobs in tourism.

Compare training materials to NTG needs

Compare own training materials to NTG needs and get gap list

Compare training offer with candidate profile

Compare training offer with candidate profile

What training resources are available?

Find lesson plans, basic learning materials and search our database on external resources.

What are trends?

Online resources about new trends and developments in tourism training.

What financial support can I get?

Check our online database on financial support for training. Find out about the European Union funding opportunities.

Where can my students find a job?

Online resources about job platforms, mobility and related topics.