360º Készség Mátrix
Ez teljes áttekintést nyújt azokról az új készségekről, amelyek a legfontosabbak a turisztikai állások betöltéséhez. A készségek alágazatonként vannak csoportosítva, ezért kérjük, válasszon ki egyet a megjelenítésükhöz.
Az utazásszervezők és az utazási irodák alágazatának meghatározása
Milyen méretű/típusú szervezetek működnek a desztinációmenedzsment alágazatban?
A készségek magyarázata
4. További szűrők (opcionális):
Depending on the filters that you defined, you now see a list of skills with colors and numbers.
- underlying colors give a first visual idea “at a quick glance” if the required skills level is low , medium or high
- the numbers indicate the level in more detail. <1> means “none or very basic” while <8> indicates the level of a university doctorate level. For details, Read more here …
- then you click on the number, a small window with more detailed description of the required content for this skill appears
Read more
Numbers 1-8 are more detailed and refer approximately to finished training and education levels:
- 1 = No or very basic knowledge /// Level of primary education
- 2 = Some basic skills /// E.g. after having taken a short introductory course
- 3 = Good general idea but without specific higher knowledge /// Generally equivalent to the level of finished secondary education (12 years school)
- 4 = Specialized knowledge and skills in the topic
- 5 = High specialized knowledge /// Full vocational education or equivalent degree
- 6 = Professional knowledge /// Polytechnic or higher vocational education
- 7 = High professional knowledge /// University master level
- 8 = The highest professional knowledge /// University PhD or higher
Depending on the skill, you should understand the level according to your own experience and knowledge, even if you do not have a formal degree of the indicated level. This is especially valid for many of the digital and social skills, where formal education is often not available or cannot be accredited.
Működési területek:
Melyek a közös funkcionális területek?
Az NTG által végzett kutatás során a következő területeket tekintették közös funkcionális területeknek. Egy egészséges vállalkozás úgy működik, mint egy élőlény, amelynek funkcionális területei különböző területekről gondoskodnak. Ezek a funkcionális területek csoportosítják a készségeket és feladatokat az üzlet saját protokollokkal és logikával rendelkező aspektusainak irányítására. Néhány alapvető funkcionális terület, mint például a marketing és a pénzügy, szinte minden vállalkozásban megtalálható. Mások, mint például a jogi támogatás és az informatika, a vállalat növekedésével egyre fontosabbá válnak. Általános menedzsment:A general menedzsment terület néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: a vállalkozás/egység felelőssége, a vállalkozás/egység stratégiájának, céljainak és terveinek meghatározása és felülvizsgálata, az ügyfelekkel és az érdekelt felekkel való lojalitási kapcsolat megismerése és fejlesztése, az alkalmazottakból álló csapat létrehozása és motiválása, valamint a stratégiában tervezett célok elérése rövid és hosszú távon. Adminisztratív szolgáltatások: Az adminisztratív szolgáltatások területének néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: az üzleti tevékenységhez szükséges valamennyi engedély és jogi felhatalmazás kezelése, a számlák kifizetése a beszállítóknak, a bankszámlák ellenőrzése, a bankhitelek kezelése, a számvitel kezelése, a pénzintézetekkel való tárgyalások, valamint a minőségbiztosítási rendszerek bevezetése és ellenőrzése. Humánerőforrás-gazdálkodás: A humánerőforrás-gazdálkodás területének néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: a munkavállalók és a tulajdonosok közötti kapcsolat elősegítése, a bérek felülvizsgálata, a szociális megelőzési rendszerekkel való kapcsolat fenntartása, a vállalat bővítési terveinek elemzése. Kommunikáció és marketing: A karbantartási és műszaki terület néhány célkitűzése és feladata: karbantartási tevékenységek végzése a szálloda nyilvános helyiségeiben, mint például toilettek, lefolyók duguláselhárítása, mindenféle hardver, vízvezeték- és elektromos berendezés, valamint kozmetikai eszközök javítása. Szükség szerint a tűzjelző/életvédelmi rendszerek felügyelete, teljes körű tájékoztatás a rendszer működéséről, a rendszereket érintő vészhelyzetek kezelése és az előírásoknak megfelelő adminisztráció, a karbantartási leltár vezetése, valamint szükség szerint alkatrészek és kellékek igénylése. A terület egyéb feladatai közé tartozik még a vízmelegítés szabályozásának biztosítása és fenntartása, a vendégek javítási kéréseinek megválaszolása és kezelése, valamint a fejlett elektromos, vízvezeték-, hűtő- és kazánrendszerek megértése és működtetése.Karbantartás és mérnöki tevékenység: Az egészségvédelem, biztonság és védelem területének néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: a vendégszobákba való belépés és a szállodai tulajdon biztonságának biztosítása, a tűzjelző/életvédelmi rendszerek szükség szerinti felügyelete, a rendszer működésével kapcsolatos teljes körű tájékoztatás, a rendszereket érintő vészhelyzetek kezelése és az előírásoknak megfelelő adminisztráció, annak biztosítása, hogy a vendégek és alkalmazottak biztonsága és védelme érdekében minden vészhelyzeti eljárást begyakoroltak, végrehajtottak és betartattak. Valójában ez a terület magában foglalja a személyek és a tulajdon biztonságának biztosítását a helyiségeken belül, a szállodai szabályok tisztességes alkalmazásával, a hatályos törvények, jogszabályok stb. szigorú betartásával.Egészség, biztonság és védelem: A Kommunikáció és marketing terület néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: új piacok és üzleti lehetőségek felkutatása, a szálloda képviselete rendezvényeken és kiállításokon, a meglévő és új ügyfelekkel való kapcsolatok kiépítése és erősítése a jövőbeli foglalások lehetővé tétele érdekében. Ezek a tevékenységek magukban foglalják a következőket: szórakoztatás, FAM utak, kiállítások stb. Valójában ez a terület szorosan együttműködik a Revenue Managerrel annak biztosítása érdekében, hogy a javasolt tarifatárgyalások megfeleljenek a szálloda pénzügyi igényeinek, a weboldal pozicionálása és az online kommentek felülvizsgálata.Technológiafejlesztés: A technológiafejlesztési terület néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: az üzleti folyamatok és a technológiával való kölcsönhatás megértése, az üzleti tevékenységgel kapcsolatos legújabb technológiai fejlesztések megismerése, technológiai eszközök létrehozása/átalakítása az üzleti folyamatok megoldása érdekében, technológiai eszközök karbantartása és az alkalmazottak támogatása a technológiai problémáikban.Melyek a Desztinációmenedzsment alágazat konkrét helyi működési területei?
Az NTG által végzett kutatás során a következő területeket tekintették a desztinációmenedzsment-ágazat sajátos funkcionális területeinek. Egy egészséges vállalkozás úgy működik, mint egy élőlény, amelynek funkcionális területei különböző területekről gondoskodnak. A specifikus funkcionális területek csoportosítják a készségeket és feladatokat az üzlet saját protokollokkal és logikával rendelkező aspektusainak irányítására. Termék- / projektmenedzsment A desztinációs alapú turisztikai termékek folyamatosan változnak és alkalmazkodnak az új látogatói trendekhez és igényekhez. A DMO segíthet a termékfejlesztésben a kezdetektől a megvalósításig, és támogathatja a desztinációs márkák és a kulcsfontosságú turisztikai élmények promócióját és marketingjét. Az innovációnak és a minőségi látogatói élményeknek, valamint az új turisztikai termékeknek és szolgáltatásoknak illeszkedniük kell a desztinációs hely vagy régió általános arculatához. Ebből a célból minőségi kritériumokat lehet kidolgozni a desztinációs márka marketingjének és reklámozásának támogatására, együttműködve más érintett részlegekkel.A desztinációs projektmenedzserek tanácsot adnak és képviselik az ügyfelet, és felelősek a projektek napi szintű irányításáért. A felelősségi körbe tartozhat a tervezőcsoport megbízása/irányítása, a beszerzés, a tervezési hatóságok, a költségvetés, a vállalkozók, a közművek, a biztosítások, a változások, a projekt életciklusa és a dokumentumkezelés, az idő, a költség, a minőség és a kockázat nyomon követése és jelentése. A digitális készségek megkönnyítik a termékfejlesztési és projektmenedzsment feladatokra alkalmas megfelelő eszközök megtalálását és használatát, pl. digitális útvonalak létrehozása, digitális projektmenedzsment rendszerek kezelése. A zöld készségek segítik a desztináció környezetgazdálkodásának támogatását, valamint a szolgáltatók ösztönzését a környezetvédelemre a környezetbarát turisztikai termékek és szolgáltatások, az energiafelhasználás csökkentése, a víz- és hulladékgazdálkodás révén. A szociális készségek, mint például a hatékony kommunikáció és a csapatban való munkavégzés képessége, a meghallgatás és az empátia fontosak az egyes részlegekkel való sikeres együttműködéshez. Partnerségi és közösségi kapcsolatok A desztinációk több érdekelt felet érintő, ágazatközi hálózatok és partnerségek bevonásával működnek. A hatékony részvételi hálózat és az érdekelt felek bevonása és irányítása kulcsfontosságú sikertényező. A partnerség- és hálózatmenedzserek feladata, hogy megfelelő ágazatközi hálózati struktúrát és együttműködési kultúrát hozzanak létre a hálózat szereplőinek interakciója, valamint a turizmustól függő regionális gazdasági ciklusok erősítése érdekében. E célból fontos olyan projektek és tevékenységek koncepcionális és operatív kapcsolódási pontjainak meghatározása, amelyek a regionális vagy helyi desztinációs márkához való következetes megközelítésre és kapcsolatokra épülnek, az érdekeltek számára kézzelfogható előnyök és egy integrált hálózati marketingkoncepció kialakítása érdekében. A digitális készségek támogatják a hálózatépítés és a belső kommunikáció koordinálását. A zöld készségek segítenek a hálózati partnerek befolyásolásában a turisztikai kínálat fenntartható környezeti orientációja érdekében. A szociális készségek, beleértve az együttműködő csapatmunkát és a konfliktuskezelés képességét, létfontosságúak a sikeres partnerségek és hálózatépítés szempontjából.Hierarchia szintek:
Milyen vezetői szintek vannak a desztinációmenedzsment alágazatban?
Részletek hamarosan
General menedzsment
Igazgatási szolgáltatások
Emberi erőforrások
Kereskedelem és marketing
Karbantartás és műszaki terület
Egészségügy, biztonság és biztonság
Technológiai fejlesztés
Termék / projektfejlesztés
Partnerség és kommunikáció
Online information and data literacy
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
Digital personal communication and collaboration
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
Digital content creation
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000000
Online safety and digital well-being
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000000
Digital problem-solving
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
Software and hardware technology
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
Operational sustainability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
Sustainability communication
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
Foundational sustainability practices
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
Functional and societal behaviour
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
Professional attitude
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
Social cultural ability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
A készségek magyarázata
4. További szűrők (opcionális):
Depending on the filters that you defined, you now see a list of skills with colors and numbers.
- underlying colors give a first visual idea “at a quick glance” if the required skills level is low , medium or high
- the numbers indicate the level in more detail. <1> means “none or very basic” while <8> indicates the level of a university doctorate level. For details, Read more here …
- then you click on the number, a small window with more detailed description of the required content for this skill appears
Read more
Numbers 1-8 are more detailed and refer approximately to finished training and education levels:
- 1 = No or very basic knowledge /// Level of primary education
- 2 = Some basic skills /// E.g. after having taken a short introductory course
- 3 = Good general idea but without specific higher knowledge /// Generally equivalent to the level of finished secondary education (12 years school)
- 4 = Specialized knowledge and skills in the topic
- 5 = High specialized knowledge /// Full vocational education or equivalent degree
- 6 = Professional knowledge /// Polytechnic or higher vocational education
- 7 = High professional knowledge /// University master level
- 8 = The highest professional knowledge /// University PhD or higher
Depending on the skill, you should understand the level according to your own experience and knowledge, even if you do not have a formal degree of the indicated level. This is especially valid for many of the digital and social skills, where formal education is often not available or cannot be accredited.
Működési területek:
Melyek a közös funkcionális területek?
Az NTG által végzett kutatás során a következő területeket tekintették közös funkcionális területeknek. Egy egészséges vállalkozás úgy működik, mint egy élőlény, amelynek funkcionális területei különböző területekről gondoskodnak. Ezek a funkcionális területek csoportosítják a készségeket és feladatokat az üzlet saját protokollokkal és logikával rendelkező aspektusainak irányítására. Néhány alapvető funkcionális terület, mint például a marketing és a pénzügy, szinte minden vállalkozásban megtalálható. Mások, mint például a jogi támogatás és az informatika, a vállalat növekedésével egyre fontosabbá válnak. Általános menedzsment:A general menedzsment terület néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: a vállalkozás/egység felelőssége, a vállalkozás/egység stratégiájának, céljainak és terveinek meghatározása és felülvizsgálata, az ügyfelekkel és az érdekelt felekkel való lojalitási kapcsolat megismerése és fejlesztése, az alkalmazottakból álló csapat létrehozása és motiválása, valamint a stratégiában tervezett célok elérése rövid és hosszú távon. Adminisztratív szolgáltatások: Az adminisztratív szolgáltatások területének néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: az üzleti tevékenységhez szükséges valamennyi engedély és jogi felhatalmazás kezelése, a számlák kifizetése a beszállítóknak, a bankszámlák ellenőrzése, a bankhitelek kezelése, a számvitel kezelése, a pénzintézetekkel való tárgyalások, valamint a minőségbiztosítási rendszerek bevezetése és ellenőrzése. Humánerőforrás-gazdálkodás: A humánerőforrás-gazdálkodás területének néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: a munkavállalók és a tulajdonosok közötti kapcsolat elősegítése, a bérek felülvizsgálata, a szociális megelőzési rendszerekkel való kapcsolat fenntartása, a vállalat bővítési terveinek elemzése. Kommunikáció és marketing: A karbantartási és műszaki terület néhány célkitűzése és feladata: karbantartási tevékenységek végzése a szálloda nyilvános helyiségeiben, mint például toilettek, lefolyók duguláselhárítása, mindenféle hardver, vízvezeték- és elektromos berendezés, valamint kozmetikai eszközök javítása. Szükség szerint a tűzjelző/életvédelmi rendszerek felügyelete, teljes körű tájékoztatás a rendszer működéséről, a rendszereket érintő vészhelyzetek kezelése és az előírásoknak megfelelő adminisztráció, a karbantartási leltár vezetése, valamint szükség szerint alkatrészek és kellékek igénylése. A terület egyéb feladatai közé tartozik még a vízmelegítés szabályozásának biztosítása és fenntartása, a vendégek javítási kéréseinek megválaszolása és kezelése, valamint a fejlett elektromos, vízvezeték-, hűtő- és kazánrendszerek megértése és működtetése.Karbantartás és mérnöki tevékenység: Az egészségvédelem, biztonság és védelem területének néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: a vendégszobákba való belépés és a szállodai tulajdon biztonságának biztosítása, a tűzjelző/életvédelmi rendszerek szükség szerinti felügyelete, a rendszer működésével kapcsolatos teljes körű tájékoztatás, a rendszereket érintő vészhelyzetek kezelése és az előírásoknak megfelelő adminisztráció, annak biztosítása, hogy a vendégek és alkalmazottak biztonsága és védelme érdekében minden vészhelyzeti eljárást begyakoroltak, végrehajtottak és betartattak. Valójában ez a terület magában foglalja a személyek és a tulajdon biztonságának biztosítását a helyiségeken belül, a szállodai szabályok tisztességes alkalmazásával, a hatályos törvények, jogszabályok stb. szigorú betartásával.Egészség, biztonság és védelem: A Kommunikáció és marketing terület néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: új piacok és üzleti lehetőségek felkutatása, a szálloda képviselete rendezvényeken és kiállításokon, a meglévő és új ügyfelekkel való kapcsolatok kiépítése és erősítése a jövőbeli foglalások lehetővé tétele érdekében. Ezek a tevékenységek magukban foglalják a következőket: szórakoztatás, FAM utak, kiállítások stb. Valójában ez a terület szorosan együttműködik a Revenue Managerrel annak biztosítása érdekében, hogy a javasolt tarifatárgyalások megfeleljenek a szálloda pénzügyi igényeinek, a weboldal pozicionálása és az online kommentek felülvizsgálata.Technológiafejlesztés: A technológiafejlesztési terület néhány célkitűzése és feladata a következő: az üzleti folyamatok és a technológiával való kölcsönhatás megértése, az üzleti tevékenységgel kapcsolatos legújabb technológiai fejlesztések megismerése, technológiai eszközök létrehozása/átalakítása az üzleti folyamatok megoldása érdekében, technológiai eszközök karbantartása és az alkalmazottak támogatása a technológiai problémáikban.Melyek a Desztinációmenedzsment alágazat konkrét helyi működési területei?
Az NTG által végzett kutatás során a következő területeket tekintették a desztinációmenedzsment-ágazat sajátos funkcionális területeinek. Egy egészséges vállalkozás úgy működik, mint egy élőlény, amelynek funkcionális területei különböző területekről gondoskodnak. A specifikus funkcionális területek csoportosítják a készségeket és feladatokat az üzlet saját protokollokkal és logikával rendelkező aspektusainak irányítására. Termék- / projektmenedzsment A desztinációs alapú turisztikai termékek folyamatosan változnak és alkalmazkodnak az új látogatói trendekhez és igényekhez. A DMO segíthet a termékfejlesztésben a kezdetektől a megvalósításig, és támogathatja a desztinációs márkák és a kulcsfontosságú turisztikai élmények promócióját és marketingjét. Az innovációnak és a minőségi látogatói élményeknek, valamint az új turisztikai termékeknek és szolgáltatásoknak illeszkedniük kell a desztinációs hely vagy régió általános arculatához. Ebből a célból minőségi kritériumokat lehet kidolgozni a desztinációs márka marketingjének és reklámozásának támogatására, együttműködve más érintett részlegekkel.A desztinációs projektmenedzserek tanácsot adnak és képviselik az ügyfelet, és felelősek a projektek napi szintű irányításáért. A felelősségi körbe tartozhat a tervezőcsoport megbízása/irányítása, a beszerzés, a tervezési hatóságok, a költségvetés, a vállalkozók, a közművek, a biztosítások, a változások, a projekt életciklusa és a dokumentumkezelés, az idő, a költség, a minőség és a kockázat nyomon követése és jelentése. A digitális készségek megkönnyítik a termékfejlesztési és projektmenedzsment feladatokra alkalmas megfelelő eszközök megtalálását és használatát, pl. digitális útvonalak létrehozása, digitális projektmenedzsment rendszerek kezelése. A zöld készségek segítik a desztináció környezetgazdálkodásának támogatását, valamint a szolgáltatók ösztönzését a környezetvédelemre a környezetbarát turisztikai termékek és szolgáltatások, az energiafelhasználás csökkentése, a víz- és hulladékgazdálkodás révén. A szociális készségek, mint például a hatékony kommunikáció és a csapatban való munkavégzés képessége, a meghallgatás és az empátia fontosak az egyes részlegekkel való sikeres együttműködéshez. Partnerségi és közösségi kapcsolatok A desztinációk több érdekelt felet érintő, ágazatközi hálózatok és partnerségek bevonásával működnek. A hatékony részvételi hálózat és az érdekelt felek bevonása és irányítása kulcsfontosságú sikertényező. A partnerség- és hálózatmenedzserek feladata, hogy megfelelő ágazatközi hálózati struktúrát és együttműködési kultúrát hozzanak létre a hálózat szereplőinek interakciója, valamint a turizmustól függő regionális gazdasági ciklusok erősítése érdekében. E célból fontos olyan projektek és tevékenységek koncepcionális és operatív kapcsolódási pontjainak meghatározása, amelyek a regionális vagy helyi desztinációs márkához való következetes megközelítésre és kapcsolatokra épülnek, az érdekeltek számára kézzelfogható előnyök és egy integrált hálózati marketingkoncepció kialakítása érdekében. A digitális készségek támogatják a hálózatépítés és a belső kommunikáció koordinálását. A zöld készségek segítenek a hálózati partnerek befolyásolásában a turisztikai kínálat fenntartható környezeti orientációja érdekében. A szociális készségek, beleértve az együttműködő csapatmunkát és a konfliktuskezelés képességét, létfontosságúak a sikeres partnerségek és hálózatépítés szempontjából.Hierarchia szintek:
Milyen vezetői szintek vannak a desztinációmenedzsment alágazatban?
Részletek hamarosan
General menedzsment
Igazgatási szolgáltatások
Emberi erőforrások
Kereskedelem és marketing
Karbantartás és műszaki terület
Egészségügy, biztonság és biztonság
Technológiai fejlesztés
Termék / projektfejlesztés
Partnerség és kommunikáció
Elektronikus foglalás
Online information and data literacy
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
Digital personal communication and collaboration
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
Digital content creation
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000
Online safety and digital well-being
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000000
Digital problem-solving
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Software and hardware technology
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
Operational sustainability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
Sustainability communication
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Foundational sustainability practices
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
Functional and societal behaviour
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Professional attitude
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
Social cultural ability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000