Matriz de Competências 360º
Fornece uma visão geral sobre as novas competências mais importantes para os empregos no turismo. Essas competências são distribuídas por setor, selecione uma para vê-las.
O que constitui o setor dos serviços de turismo e viagens?
Qual o tamanho / tipo de organização que tem em vista no setor de Gestão de Destinos?
Explicaççao sobre as competências
4. Filtros adicionais (opcional):
Depending on the filters that you defined, you now see a list of skills with colors and numbers.
- underlying colors give a first visual idea “at a quick glance” if the required skills level is low , medium or high
- the numbers indicate the level in more detail. <1> means “none or very basic” while <8> indicates the level of a university doctorate level. For details, Read more here …
- then you click on the number, a small window with more detailed description of the required content for this skill appears
Read more
Numbers 1-8 are more detailed and refer approximately to finished training and education levels:
- 1 = No or very basic knowledge /// Level of primary education
- 2 = Some basic skills /// E.g. after having taken a short introductory course
- 3 = Good general idea but without specific higher knowledge /// Generally equivalent to the level of finished secondary education (12 years school)
- 4 = Specialized knowledge and skills in the topic
- 5 = High specialized knowledge /// Full vocational education or equivalent degree
- 6 = Professional knowledge /// Polytechnic or higher vocational education
- 7 = High professional knowledge /// University master level
- 8 = The highest professional knowledge /// University PhD or higher
Depending on the skill, you should understand the level according to your own experience and knowledge, even if you do not have a formal degree of the indicated level. This is especially valid for many of the digital and social skills, where formal education is often not available or cannot be accredited.
Áreas funcionais:
Quais são as áreas funcionais comuns?
Na pesquisa realizada pela NTG, as seguintes áreas foram consideradas áreas funcionais comuns. Uma empresa robusta funciona como um ser vivo, com áreas funcionais que cuidam dos diferentes domínios. Estas áreas funcionais agrupam competências e tarefas, visando gerir aspetos da empresa, que têm os seus próprios protocolos e lógica. Algumas áreas funcionais básicas, tais como o marketing e as finanças, são comuns a quase todas as empresas. Outras, tais como, o apoio jurídico e as tecnologias da informação, tornam-se mais necessárias à medida que a companhia cresce. Gestão Geral Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Gestão Geral incluem: ser responsável pela empresa/entidade, definir e rever a estratégia, os objetivos e planos da empresa/entidade; conhecer e desenvolver relações de lealdade com clientes e parceiros relevantes, criar e motivar uma equipa de funcionários e, ainda, concretizar os objetivos desenhados na estratégia, a curto e a longo prazo. Serviços Administrativos Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área dos Serviços Administrativos compreendem: fazer a gestão de todas as licenças e autorizações legais para a atividade empresarial, proceder ao pagamento das faturas aos fornecedores, conferir as contas bancárias, gerir o crédito bancário, efetuar a gestão contabilística, negociar com as instituições financeiras, bem como implementar e controlar sistemas de qualidade. Gestão de Recursos Humanos Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos abarcam: facilitar a relação entre trabalhadores e proprietários, proceder a revisões salariais, manter a ligação com os sistemas de segurança social e realizar uma análise dos planos de expansão da empresa. Manutenção e Engenharia Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Manutenção e Engenharia incluem: realizar atividades de manutenção em áreas públicas do hotel, tais como ligar sanitários, desentupir esgotos, reparar todos os tipos de hardware, canalização, equipamento elétrico e objetos de cosmética. Esta área também abrange a monitorização dos alarmes de incêndio e sistemas de segurança de vida, sempre que necessário, estar plenamente informado sobre o funcionamento do sistema, lidar com emergências que envolvam os sistemas, efetuar uma gestão adequada de acordo com os regulamentos, manter um inventário da manutenção, bem como da requisição de peças e fornecimentos, conforme necessário. Outras tarefas igualmente abrangidas por esta área consistem em assegurar e manter o controlo do aquecimento de água, responder e atender aos pedidos de reparação por parte dos hóspedes e, ainda, compreender e trabalhar com sistemas avançados de eletricidade, canalização, refrigeração e de caldeiras. Saúde, Segurança e Proteção Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Saúde, Segurança e Proteção compreendem: garantir a segurança do acesso aos quartos de hóspedes e à propriedade do hotel, monitorizar os alarmes de incêndio e os sistemas de segurança de vida, sempre que necessário, estar plenamente informado sobre o funcionamento do sistema, lidar com emergências que envolvam os sistemas, efetuar uma gestão adequada de acordo com os regulamentos, assegurar que todos os procedimentos de emergência são simulados, implementados e postos em prática de forma a garantir a segurança e proteção dos hóspedes e funcionários. De facto, esta área inclui a garantia da segurança das pessoas e dos bens de todos, no interior das instalações, aplicando de forma correta os regulamentos dos hotéis e através do cumprimento rigoroso das leis e estatutos existentes. Comunicação e Marketing Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Comunicação e Marketing abarcam: a identificação de novos mercados e oportunidades de negócio, a representação do hotel em eventos e exposições, a construção e fortalecimento de relações com os clientes atuais e novos clientes de forma a assegurar reservas futuras. Estas atividades abrangem: entretenimento, viagens FAM, feiras de negócios, entre outras. De facto, esta área trabalha em estreita colaboração com o Gestor de Receita, visando garantir que as negociações de tarifas propostas estão em consonância com as necessidades financeiras do hotel, bem como para efetuar o posicionamento do sítio web e para realizar a revisão dos comentários online. Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento abrangem: a compreensão dos processos empresariais e a sua interação com a tecnologia, o conhecimento das últimas novidades tecnológicas concernentes ao negócio, a conceção ou adaptação de ferramentas tecnológicas para resolver processos empresariais, a realização da manutenção de ferramentas tecnológicas e o apoio a funcionários com problemas tecnológicos.Quais são as áreas funcionais locais específicas do Sector de Gestão de Destinos?
Na investigação realizada pela NTG, as seguintes áreas são consideradas como áreas funcionais específicas do Sector de Gestão de Destinos. Um negócio saudável funciona como um ser vivo com áreas funcionais que cuidam de diferentes domínios. As áreas funcionais específicas agrupam competências e tarefas para gerir aspetos do negócio que têm os seus próprios protocolos e lógica. Gestão de produtos / projetos Os produtos turísticos baseados no destino estão em constante mudança e adaptação às novas tendências e exigências dos visitantes. O DMO pode ajudar no desenvolvimento de produtos desde o início até à entrega e apoiar a promoção e comercialização de marcas de destino e nichos chave de experiências de turismo. Experiências de inovação e de qualidade dos visitantes e novos produtos e serviços turísticos precisam de ser integrados com a imagem global da localidade ou região de destino. Para este efeito, podem ser desenvolvidos critérios de qualidade para apoiar o marketing e a publicidade da marca de destino, trabalhando com outros departamentos relevantes. Os gestores de projetos baseados no destino aconselham e representam o cliente e são responsáveis pela gestão diária dos projetos. As responsabilidades podem incluir a nomeação e gestão da equipa de conceção, aprovisionamento, autoridades de planeamento, orçamento, contratantes, serviços públicos, seguros, mudança, ciclo de vida do projeto e gestão de documentos, rastreio e relatório do tempo, custo, qualidade e risco. As competências digitais facilitam a capacidade de encontrar e utilizar ferramentas adequadas para o desenvolvimento de produtos e tarefas de gestão de projetos, por exemplo, criação de rotas digitais, gestão de sistemas de gestão de projetos digitais. As competências ecológicas ajudam a apoiar a gestão ambiental no destino, bem como encorajam os prestadores de serviços a protegerem o ambiente através de produtos e serviços turísticos amigos do ambiente, redução de energia, gestão de água e resíduos. As competências sociais, tais como a capacidade de comunicar eficazmente e trabalhar em equipa, ouvir e empatia, são importantes para trabalhar com sucesso com departamentos individuais. Parcerias e relação com a comunidade Os destinos envolvem redes e parcerias intersectoriais e multiparticipativas. Uma rede participativa eficaz e o envolvimento e gestão das partes interessadas é um fator-chave de sucesso. Os gestores de parcerias e redes têm a tarefa de criar uma estrutura de rede intersectorial relevante e uma cultura de colaboração para a interação dos atores da rede, bem como para o reforço dos ciclos económicos regionais com uma dependência do turismo. Para este fim, é importante definir interfaces conceptuais e operacionais para projetos e atividades que dependem de abordagens e ligações consistentes com a marca de destino regional ou local, para desenvolver benefícios tangíveis para os intervenientes e um conceito integrado de marketing de rede. As competências digitais apoiam a coordenação do trabalho em rede e a comunicação interna. As competências ecológicas ajudam a influenciar os parceiros da rede para uma orientação ambiental sustentável da oferta turística. Competências sociais, incluindo trabalho em equipa colaborativo e capacidade de gerir conflitos, são vitais para parcerias de sucesso e trabalho em rede.Niveis hierárquicos:
O que são níveis de gestão no setor do Gestão de Destinos?
Mais informação em breve...
Serviços administrativos
Recursos humanos
Comunicação e marketing
Manutenção e engenharia
Saúde, higiene e segurança
Desenvolvimento tecnológico
Desenvolvimento de produto/ projeto
Parcerias, relações comunitárias e relações institucionais
Online information and data literacy
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
Digital personal communication and collaboration
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
Digital content creation
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000000
Online safety and digital well-being
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000000
Digital problem-solving
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
Software and hardware technology
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
Operational sustainability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
Sustainability communication
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
Foundational sustainability practices
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
Functional and societal behaviour
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
Professional attitude
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
Social cultural ability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
Explicaççao sobre as competências
4. Filtros adicionais (opcional):
Depending on the filters that you defined, you now see a list of skills with colors and numbers.
- underlying colors give a first visual idea “at a quick glance” if the required skills level is low , medium or high
- the numbers indicate the level in more detail. <1> means “none or very basic” while <8> indicates the level of a university doctorate level. For details, Read more here …
- then you click on the number, a small window with more detailed description of the required content for this skill appears
Read more
Numbers 1-8 are more detailed and refer approximately to finished training and education levels:
- 1 = No or very basic knowledge /// Level of primary education
- 2 = Some basic skills /// E.g. after having taken a short introductory course
- 3 = Good general idea but without specific higher knowledge /// Generally equivalent to the level of finished secondary education (12 years school)
- 4 = Specialized knowledge and skills in the topic
- 5 = High specialized knowledge /// Full vocational education or equivalent degree
- 6 = Professional knowledge /// Polytechnic or higher vocational education
- 7 = High professional knowledge /// University master level
- 8 = The highest professional knowledge /// University PhD or higher
Depending on the skill, you should understand the level according to your own experience and knowledge, even if you do not have a formal degree of the indicated level. This is especially valid for many of the digital and social skills, where formal education is often not available or cannot be accredited.
Áreas funcionais:
Quais são as áreas funcionais comuns?
Na pesquisa realizada pela NTG, as seguintes áreas foram consideradas áreas funcionais comuns. Uma empresa robusta funciona como um ser vivo, com áreas funcionais que cuidam dos diferentes domínios. Estas áreas funcionais agrupam competências e tarefas, visando gerir aspetos da empresa, que têm os seus próprios protocolos e lógica. Algumas áreas funcionais básicas, tais como o marketing e as finanças, são comuns a quase todas as empresas. Outras, tais como, o apoio jurídico e as tecnologias da informação, tornam-se mais necessárias à medida que a companhia cresce. Gestão Geral Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Gestão Geral incluem: ser responsável pela empresa/entidade, definir e rever a estratégia, os objetivos e planos da empresa/entidade; conhecer e desenvolver relações de lealdade com clientes e parceiros relevantes, criar e motivar uma equipa de funcionários e, ainda, concretizar os objetivos desenhados na estratégia, a curto e a longo prazo. Serviços Administrativos Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área dos Serviços Administrativos compreendem: fazer a gestão de todas as licenças e autorizações legais para a atividade empresarial, proceder ao pagamento das faturas aos fornecedores, conferir as contas bancárias, gerir o crédito bancário, efetuar a gestão contabilística, negociar com as instituições financeiras, bem como implementar e controlar sistemas de qualidade. Gestão de Recursos Humanos Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos abarcam: facilitar a relação entre trabalhadores e proprietários, proceder a revisões salariais, manter a ligação com os sistemas de segurança social e realizar uma análise dos planos de expansão da empresa. Manutenção e Engenharia Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Manutenção e Engenharia incluem: realizar atividades de manutenção em áreas públicas do hotel, tais como ligar sanitários, desentupir esgotos, reparar todos os tipos de hardware, canalização, equipamento elétrico e objetos de cosmética. Esta área também abrange a monitorização dos alarmes de incêndio e sistemas de segurança de vida, sempre que necessário, estar plenamente informado sobre o funcionamento do sistema, lidar com emergências que envolvam os sistemas, efetuar uma gestão adequada de acordo com os regulamentos, manter um inventário da manutenção, bem como da requisição de peças e fornecimentos, conforme necessário. Outras tarefas igualmente abrangidas por esta área consistem em assegurar e manter o controlo do aquecimento de água, responder e atender aos pedidos de reparação por parte dos hóspedes e, ainda, compreender e trabalhar com sistemas avançados de eletricidade, canalização, refrigeração e de caldeiras. Saúde, Segurança e Proteção Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Saúde, Segurança e Proteção compreendem: garantir a segurança do acesso aos quartos de hóspedes e à propriedade do hotel, monitorizar os alarmes de incêndio e os sistemas de segurança de vida, sempre que necessário, estar plenamente informado sobre o funcionamento do sistema, lidar com emergências que envolvam os sistemas, efetuar uma gestão adequada de acordo com os regulamentos, assegurar que todos os procedimentos de emergência são simulados, implementados e postos em prática de forma a garantir a segurança e proteção dos hóspedes e funcionários. De facto, esta área inclui a garantia da segurança das pessoas e dos bens de todos, no interior das instalações, aplicando de forma correta os regulamentos dos hotéis e através do cumprimento rigoroso das leis e estatutos existentes. Comunicação e Marketing Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Comunicação e Marketing abarcam: a identificação de novos mercados e oportunidades de negócio, a representação do hotel em eventos e exposições, a construção e fortalecimento de relações com os clientes atuais e novos clientes de forma a assegurar reservas futuras. Estas atividades abrangem: entretenimento, viagens FAM, feiras de negócios, entre outras. De facto, esta área trabalha em estreita colaboração com o Gestor de Receita, visando garantir que as negociações de tarifas propostas estão em consonância com as necessidades financeiras do hotel, bem como para efetuar o posicionamento do sítio web e para realizar a revisão dos comentários online. Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento Alguns dos objetivos e tarefas da área de Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento abrangem: a compreensão dos processos empresariais e a sua interação com a tecnologia, o conhecimento das últimas novidades tecnológicas concernentes ao negócio, a conceção ou adaptação de ferramentas tecnológicas para resolver processos empresariais, a realização da manutenção de ferramentas tecnológicas e o apoio a funcionários com problemas tecnológicos.Quais são as áreas funcionais locais específicas do Sector de Gestão de Destinos?
Na investigação realizada pela NTG, as seguintes áreas são consideradas como áreas funcionais específicas do Sector de Gestão de Destinos. Um negócio saudável funciona como um ser vivo com áreas funcionais que cuidam de diferentes domínios. As áreas funcionais específicas agrupam competências e tarefas para gerir aspetos do negócio que têm os seus próprios protocolos e lógica. Gestão de produtos / projetos Os produtos turísticos baseados no destino estão em constante mudança e adaptação às novas tendências e exigências dos visitantes. O DMO pode ajudar no desenvolvimento de produtos desde o início até à entrega e apoiar a promoção e comercialização de marcas de destino e nichos chave de experiências de turismo. Experiências de inovação e de qualidade dos visitantes e novos produtos e serviços turísticos precisam de ser integrados com a imagem global da localidade ou região de destino. Para este efeito, podem ser desenvolvidos critérios de qualidade para apoiar o marketing e a publicidade da marca de destino, trabalhando com outros departamentos relevantes. Os gestores de projetos baseados no destino aconselham e representam o cliente e são responsáveis pela gestão diária dos projetos. As responsabilidades podem incluir a nomeação e gestão da equipa de conceção, aprovisionamento, autoridades de planeamento, orçamento, contratantes, serviços públicos, seguros, mudança, ciclo de vida do projeto e gestão de documentos, rastreio e relatório do tempo, custo, qualidade e risco. As competências digitais facilitam a capacidade de encontrar e utilizar ferramentas adequadas para o desenvolvimento de produtos e tarefas de gestão de projetos, por exemplo, criação de rotas digitais, gestão de sistemas de gestão de projetos digitais. As competências ecológicas ajudam a apoiar a gestão ambiental no destino, bem como encorajam os prestadores de serviços a protegerem o ambiente através de produtos e serviços turísticos amigos do ambiente, redução de energia, gestão de água e resíduos. As competências sociais, tais como a capacidade de comunicar eficazmente e trabalhar em equipa, ouvir e empatia, são importantes para trabalhar com sucesso com departamentos individuais. Parcerias e relação com a comunidade Os destinos envolvem redes e parcerias intersectoriais e multiparticipativas. Uma rede participativa eficaz e o envolvimento e gestão das partes interessadas é um fator-chave de sucesso. Os gestores de parcerias e redes têm a tarefa de criar uma estrutura de rede intersectorial relevante e uma cultura de colaboração para a interação dos atores da rede, bem como para o reforço dos ciclos económicos regionais com uma dependência do turismo. Para este fim, é importante definir interfaces conceptuais e operacionais para projetos e atividades que dependem de abordagens e ligações consistentes com a marca de destino regional ou local, para desenvolver benefícios tangíveis para os intervenientes e um conceito integrado de marketing de rede. As competências digitais apoiam a coordenação do trabalho em rede e a comunicação interna. As competências ecológicas ajudam a influenciar os parceiros da rede para uma orientação ambiental sustentável da oferta turística. Competências sociais, incluindo trabalho em equipa colaborativo e capacidade de gerir conflitos, são vitais para parcerias de sucesso e trabalho em rede.Niveis hierárquicos:
O que são níveis de gestão no setor do Gestão de Destinos?
Mais informação em breve...
Serviços administrativos
Recursos humanos
Comunicação e marketing
Manutenção e engenharia
Saúde, higiene e segurança
Desenvolvimento tecnológico
Desenvolvimento de produto/ projeto
Parcerias, relações comunitárias e relações institucionais
Gestão de destinos
Reservas eletrónicas
Online information and data literacy
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
Digital personal communication and collaboration
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
Digital content creation
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000
Online safety and digital well-being
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000000
Digital problem-solving
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Software and hardware technology
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
Operational sustainability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
Sustainability communication
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Foundational sustainability practices
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
Functional and societal behaviour
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Professional attitude
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
Social cultural ability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000