360 osaamismatriisi
Tämä antaa sinulle täydellisen yhteenvedon uudesta, matkailualan tärkeimmästä osaamisesta. Osaaminen jaotellaan toimialoittain, joten valitse yksi toimialoista.
Mistä matkailuala koostuu?
Minkä kokousia/tyyppisiä organisaatioita haluat tarkastella Destination Management alalla?
Selitys osaamisesta
4. Lisäsuodattimet (valinnainen)
Depending on the filters that you defined, you now see a list of skills with colors and numbers.
- underlying colors give a first visual idea “at a quick glance” if the required skills level is low , medium or high
- the numbers indicate the level in more detail. <1> means “none or very basic” while <8> indicates the level of a university doctorate level. For details, Read more here …
- then you click on the number, a small window with more detailed description of the required content for this skill appears
Read more
Numbers 1-8 are more detailed and refer approximately to finished training and education levels:
- 1 = No or very basic knowledge /// Level of primary education
- 2 = Some basic skills /// E.g. after having taken a short introductory course
- 3 = Good general idea but without specific higher knowledge /// Generally equivalent to the level of finished secondary education (12 years school)
- 4 = Specialized knowledge and skills in the topic
- 5 = High specialized knowledge /// Full vocational education or equivalent degree
- 6 = Professional knowledge /// Polytechnic or higher vocational education
- 7 = High professional knowledge /// University master level
- 8 = The highest professional knowledge /// University PhD or higher
Depending on the skill, you should understand the level according to your own experience and knowledge, even if you do not have a formal degree of the indicated level. This is especially valid for many of the digital and social skills, where formal education is often not available or cannot be accredited.
MItkä ovat jaetut toiminnot?
NTG:n tekemässä tutkimuksessa seuraavat alueet katsottiin yhteisiksi toiminnoiksi. Osaaminen on ryhmitelty näiden toimintojen mukaan liiketoiminnan osa-alueiden kehittämiseksi, joilla on oma logiikkansa. Jotkut toiminnot, kuten markkinointi ja rahoitus, ovat yhteisiä lähes kaikille yrityksille. Muut toiminnot, kuten lainopillinen tuki ja ICT, ovat entistä tärkeämpiä yrityksen kasvaessa. Yleisjohtaminen Joitakin yleisjohtamisen tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat: vastuu liiketoiminnasta / kokonaisuudesta, strategian laadinta ja tarkastelu, tavoitteiden ja suunnitelmien laadinta, asiakas- ja sidosryhmäsuhteiden kehittäminen, henkilöstön motivointi, strategiassa suunniteltujen tavoitteiden saavuttaminen lyhyellä ja pitkällä aikavälillä. Hallintopalvelut Hallintopalveluiden tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat muun muassa: toimilupien ja valtuutusten hoitaminen, laskujen maksaminen tavarantoimittajille, pankkitilien valvominen ja luottojen hoitaminen, kirjanpito, neuvottelut rahoituslaitosten kanssa sekä laatujärjestelmien toteuttaminen ja valvonta. Henkilöstöjohtaminen Henkilöstöjohtamisen tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat mm. työntekijöiden ja omistajien välisen suhteen ylläpitäminen, palkkatarkastukset, huolehtia työhyvinvoinnista, analysoida yrityksen laajentumisen mahdollisuuksia. Joitakin huollon ja suunnittelun tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat: julkisten alueiden hoito, laitteistojen, putkien ja sähkölaitteiden korjaus. Tämä sisältää myös palohälytys-/turvajärjestelmien valvonnan tarpeen mukaan, osaamisen järjestelmän toiminnasta ja järjestelmiin liittyvien hätätilanteiden hoitamisesta sekä asianmukaisen hallinnoinnin suorittamisesta määräysten mukaisesti, huoltovaraston ylläpitämisen ja osien ja tarvikkeiden hankinnan tarpeen mukaan. Muita tämän alueen tehtäviä ovat vedenlämmityksen ohjauksen varmistaminen ja ylläpito, asiakkaiden korjauspyyntöihin vastaaminen ja edistyneiden sähkö-, putki-, jäähdytys- ja kattilajärjestelmien ymmärtäminen ja käyttö. Kunnossapito ja suunnittelu Joitakin Terveys- ja turvallisuusalueen tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat: varmistaa huoneisiin pääsyn ja omaisuuden turvallisuus, valvoa palohälytys-/turvajärjestelmäjärjestelmiä tarpeen mukaan, osaaminen järjestelmän toiminnasta. sekä järjestelmiin liittyvien hätätilanteiden hoitaminen ja asianmukaisen hallinnoinnin suorittaminen määräysten mukaisesti sen valmistamiseksi, että kaikkia hätätoimenpiteitä harjoitellaan, toteutetaan ja pannaan täytäntöön asiakkaiden ja työntekijöiden turvallisuuden takaamiseksi. Tähän sisältyy myös henkilöiden ja kaikkien tiloissa olevien omaisuuden turvallisuuden varmistaminen soveltamalla oikeudenmukaisesti sääntöjä ja noudattamalla tiukasti olemassa olevia lakeja, säädöksiä jne. Terveys ja turvallisuus Viestintä ja markkinointi Jotkut viestintä- ja markkinointiviestinnän tavoitteista ja tehtävistä ovat: tunnistaa uusia markkinoita ja liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia, edustaa yritystä tapahtumissa ja messuissa, rakentaa ja vahvistaa suhteita olemassa olevien ja uusien asiakkaiden kanssa tulevien varausten mahdollistamiseksi. Näitä aktiviteetteja ovat: viihde, FAM-matkat, messut jne. Toiminta on tiivistä yhteistyötä Revenue Managerin kanssa, jotta varmistetaan hintaneuvotteluiden vastaavuus yrityksen taloudellisiin tarpeisiin, positioida verkkosivut ja tarkastaa verkossa tullut palaute. Teknologian kehittäminen Osa Teknologian kehittämiseen liittyvistä tavoitteista ja tehtävistä on: ymmärtää liiketoimintaprosesseja ja niiden vuorovaikutusta teknologian kanssa, tuntea liiketoimintaan liittyvä uusin teknologiakehitys, luoda / mukauttaa teknologiatyökaluja liiketoimintaprosessien ratkaisemiseksi, ylläpitää teknologian työkaluja ja tukea työntekijöitä heidän teknologisissa haasteissaan.Mitkä ovat Destination Management alan tietyt paikalliset toiminnot?
NTG:n tekemässä tutkimuksessa seuraavat alueet katsottiin Destination Managementin erityisiksi toiminnoiksi. Osaaminen on ryhmitelty näiden toimintojen mukaan liiketoiminnan osa-alueiden kehittämiseksi, joilla on oma logiikkansa. Tuote-/projektinhallinta Kohdepohjaiset matkailutuotteet muuttuvat jatkuvasti ja mukautuvat uusiin kävijätrendeihin ja -vaatimuksiin. DMO voi auttaa tuotekehityksessä ja tukea kohdebrändien ja tärkeiden niche-asiakaskokemusten edistämistä ja markkinointia. Innovatiiviset ja laadukkaat asiakaskokemukset sekä uudet matkailutuotteet ja -palvelut tulee integroida kohteen kokonaiskuvaan. Tätä tarkoitusta varten voidaan kehittää laatukriteerejä kohdebrändin markkinoinnin ja mainonnan tukemiseksi yhteistyössä muiden toimijoiden kanssa. Kohteessa toimivat projektipäälliköt neuvovat ja edustavat asiakasta sekä vastaavat projektien päivittäisestä johtamisesta. Vastuualueeseen voivat kuulua suunnittelutiimin johtaminen, hankinnat, viranomaisyhteistyö, budjetti, urakoitsijat, vakuutukset, muutosten hallinta, projektin elinkaaren ja dokumenttien hallinta, seuranta- ja raportointi, kustannusten sekä laadun ja riskien hallinta. Digitaalinen osaaminen helpottaa kykyä löytää ja käyttää tuotekehitykseen ja projektinhallintatehtäviin sopivia työkaluja, mm. digitaalinen reittien kehittäminen, digitaalisten projektinhallintajärjestelmien hallinta. Vihreä osaaminen auttaa tukemaan ympäristönhoitoa kohteessa sekä rohkaisemaan palveluntarjoajia ympäristöystävällisten matkailutuotteiden ja -palveluiden tuottamiseksi, energiansäästön sekä vesi- ja jätehuollon huomioimiseksi toiminnassaan. Sosiaalinen osaaminen, kuten kyky kommunikoida tehokkaasti ja työskennellä ryhmässä, kuunnella ja toimia empaattisesti, ovat tärkeitä. Kumppanuus ja suhteiden hallinta Kohteet sisältävät monialaisia sidosryhmien välisiä verkostoja ja kumppanuuksia. Tehokas ja osallistava verkosto- ja sidosryhmien johtaminen on keskeinen kohteen menestystekijä. Kumppanuus- ja verkostojohtajien tehtävänä on rakentaa toimialojen välistä verkostoa ja yhteistyökulttuuria verkoston toimijoiden vuorovaikutusta varten sekä matkailun aluetalouden vahvistamiseksi. Tätä tarkoitusta varten on tärkeää määritellä rajapinnat hankkeille ja toiminnoille, jotka nojaavat johdonmukaisiin lähestymistapoihin ja alueelliseen tai paikalliseen kohdebrändiin, konkreettisten sidosryhmien etujen ja integroidun verkostoon pohjautuvan markkinoinnin konseptin kehittämiseksi. Digitaalinen osaaminen tukee verkostoitumisen ja sisäisen viestinnän koordinointia. Vihreä osaaminen auttaa vaikuttamaan verkostokumppaneihin matkailutarjonnan kestäväksi kehittämiseksi. Sosiaalinen osaaminen, mukaan lukien tiimityöskentely ja kyky hallita konflikteja, ovat välttämättömiä onnistuneille kumppanuuksille ja verkostoitumiselle.Hierarkiatasot:
Mitkä ovat johdon tasot Destination Management alalla?
Yksityiskohdat ovat tulossa...
Viestintä ja markkinointi
Huolto ja suunnittelu
Terveys & turvallisuus
Teknologinen kehitys
Tuotteistaminen ja tuottojohtaminen
Kumppanuudet, yhteisö- ja yhteiskuntasuhteet
Online information and data literacy
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
Digital personal communication and collaboration
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
Digital content creation
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000000
Online safety and digital well-being
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000000
Digital problem-solving
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
Software and hardware technology
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
Operational sustainability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
Sustainability communication
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
Foundational sustainability practices
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
Functional and societal behaviour
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
Professional attitude
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
Social cultural ability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
Selitys osaamisesta
4. Lisäsuodattimet (valinnainen)
Depending on the filters that you defined, you now see a list of skills with colors and numbers.
- underlying colors give a first visual idea “at a quick glance” if the required skills level is low , medium or high
- the numbers indicate the level in more detail. <1> means “none or very basic” while <8> indicates the level of a university doctorate level. For details, Read more here …
- then you click on the number, a small window with more detailed description of the required content for this skill appears
Read more
Numbers 1-8 are more detailed and refer approximately to finished training and education levels:
- 1 = No or very basic knowledge /// Level of primary education
- 2 = Some basic skills /// E.g. after having taken a short introductory course
- 3 = Good general idea but without specific higher knowledge /// Generally equivalent to the level of finished secondary education (12 years school)
- 4 = Specialized knowledge and skills in the topic
- 5 = High specialized knowledge /// Full vocational education or equivalent degree
- 6 = Professional knowledge /// Polytechnic or higher vocational education
- 7 = High professional knowledge /// University master level
- 8 = The highest professional knowledge /// University PhD or higher
Depending on the skill, you should understand the level according to your own experience and knowledge, even if you do not have a formal degree of the indicated level. This is especially valid for many of the digital and social skills, where formal education is often not available or cannot be accredited.
MItkä ovat jaetut toiminnot?
NTG:n tekemässä tutkimuksessa seuraavat alueet katsottiin yhteisiksi toiminnoiksi. Osaaminen on ryhmitelty näiden toimintojen mukaan liiketoiminnan osa-alueiden kehittämiseksi, joilla on oma logiikkansa. Jotkut toiminnot, kuten markkinointi ja rahoitus, ovat yhteisiä lähes kaikille yrityksille. Muut toiminnot, kuten lainopillinen tuki ja ICT, ovat entistä tärkeämpiä yrityksen kasvaessa. Yleisjohtaminen Joitakin yleisjohtamisen tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat: vastuu liiketoiminnasta / kokonaisuudesta, strategian laadinta ja tarkastelu, tavoitteiden ja suunnitelmien laadinta, asiakas- ja sidosryhmäsuhteiden kehittäminen, henkilöstön motivointi, strategiassa suunniteltujen tavoitteiden saavuttaminen lyhyellä ja pitkällä aikavälillä. Hallintopalvelut Hallintopalveluiden tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat muun muassa: toimilupien ja valtuutusten hoitaminen, laskujen maksaminen tavarantoimittajille, pankkitilien valvominen ja luottojen hoitaminen, kirjanpito, neuvottelut rahoituslaitosten kanssa sekä laatujärjestelmien toteuttaminen ja valvonta. Henkilöstöjohtaminen Henkilöstöjohtamisen tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat mm. työntekijöiden ja omistajien välisen suhteen ylläpitäminen, palkkatarkastukset, huolehtia työhyvinvoinnista, analysoida yrityksen laajentumisen mahdollisuuksia. Joitakin huollon ja suunnittelun tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat: julkisten alueiden hoito, laitteistojen, putkien ja sähkölaitteiden korjaus. Tämä sisältää myös palohälytys-/turvajärjestelmien valvonnan tarpeen mukaan, osaamisen järjestelmän toiminnasta ja järjestelmiin liittyvien hätätilanteiden hoitamisesta sekä asianmukaisen hallinnoinnin suorittamisesta määräysten mukaisesti, huoltovaraston ylläpitämisen ja osien ja tarvikkeiden hankinnan tarpeen mukaan. Muita tämän alueen tehtäviä ovat vedenlämmityksen ohjauksen varmistaminen ja ylläpito, asiakkaiden korjauspyyntöihin vastaaminen ja edistyneiden sähkö-, putki-, jäähdytys- ja kattilajärjestelmien ymmärtäminen ja käyttö. Kunnossapito ja suunnittelu Joitakin Terveys- ja turvallisuusalueen tavoitteita ja tehtäviä ovat: varmistaa huoneisiin pääsyn ja omaisuuden turvallisuus, valvoa palohälytys-/turvajärjestelmäjärjestelmiä tarpeen mukaan, osaaminen järjestelmän toiminnasta. sekä järjestelmiin liittyvien hätätilanteiden hoitaminen ja asianmukaisen hallinnoinnin suorittaminen määräysten mukaisesti sen valmistamiseksi, että kaikkia hätätoimenpiteitä harjoitellaan, toteutetaan ja pannaan täytäntöön asiakkaiden ja työntekijöiden turvallisuuden takaamiseksi. Tähän sisältyy myös henkilöiden ja kaikkien tiloissa olevien omaisuuden turvallisuuden varmistaminen soveltamalla oikeudenmukaisesti sääntöjä ja noudattamalla tiukasti olemassa olevia lakeja, säädöksiä jne. Terveys ja turvallisuus Viestintä ja markkinointi Jotkut viestintä- ja markkinointiviestinnän tavoitteista ja tehtävistä ovat: tunnistaa uusia markkinoita ja liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia, edustaa yritystä tapahtumissa ja messuissa, rakentaa ja vahvistaa suhteita olemassa olevien ja uusien asiakkaiden kanssa tulevien varausten mahdollistamiseksi. Näitä aktiviteetteja ovat: viihde, FAM-matkat, messut jne. Toiminta on tiivistä yhteistyötä Revenue Managerin kanssa, jotta varmistetaan hintaneuvotteluiden vastaavuus yrityksen taloudellisiin tarpeisiin, positioida verkkosivut ja tarkastaa verkossa tullut palaute. Teknologian kehittäminen Osa Teknologian kehittämiseen liittyvistä tavoitteista ja tehtävistä on: ymmärtää liiketoimintaprosesseja ja niiden vuorovaikutusta teknologian kanssa, tuntea liiketoimintaan liittyvä uusin teknologiakehitys, luoda / mukauttaa teknologiatyökaluja liiketoimintaprosessien ratkaisemiseksi, ylläpitää teknologian työkaluja ja tukea työntekijöitä heidän teknologisissa haasteissaan.Mitkä ovat Destination Management alan tietyt paikalliset toiminnot?
NTG:n tekemässä tutkimuksessa seuraavat alueet katsottiin Destination Managementin erityisiksi toiminnoiksi. Osaaminen on ryhmitelty näiden toimintojen mukaan liiketoiminnan osa-alueiden kehittämiseksi, joilla on oma logiikkansa. Tuote-/projektinhallinta Kohdepohjaiset matkailutuotteet muuttuvat jatkuvasti ja mukautuvat uusiin kävijätrendeihin ja -vaatimuksiin. DMO voi auttaa tuotekehityksessä ja tukea kohdebrändien ja tärkeiden niche-asiakaskokemusten edistämistä ja markkinointia. Innovatiiviset ja laadukkaat asiakaskokemukset sekä uudet matkailutuotteet ja -palvelut tulee integroida kohteen kokonaiskuvaan. Tätä tarkoitusta varten voidaan kehittää laatukriteerejä kohdebrändin markkinoinnin ja mainonnan tukemiseksi yhteistyössä muiden toimijoiden kanssa. Kohteessa toimivat projektipäälliköt neuvovat ja edustavat asiakasta sekä vastaavat projektien päivittäisestä johtamisesta. Vastuualueeseen voivat kuulua suunnittelutiimin johtaminen, hankinnat, viranomaisyhteistyö, budjetti, urakoitsijat, vakuutukset, muutosten hallinta, projektin elinkaaren ja dokumenttien hallinta, seuranta- ja raportointi, kustannusten sekä laadun ja riskien hallinta. Digitaalinen osaaminen helpottaa kykyä löytää ja käyttää tuotekehitykseen ja projektinhallintatehtäviin sopivia työkaluja, mm. digitaalinen reittien kehittäminen, digitaalisten projektinhallintajärjestelmien hallinta. Vihreä osaaminen auttaa tukemaan ympäristönhoitoa kohteessa sekä rohkaisemaan palveluntarjoajia ympäristöystävällisten matkailutuotteiden ja -palveluiden tuottamiseksi, energiansäästön sekä vesi- ja jätehuollon huomioimiseksi toiminnassaan. Sosiaalinen osaaminen, kuten kyky kommunikoida tehokkaasti ja työskennellä ryhmässä, kuunnella ja toimia empaattisesti, ovat tärkeitä. Kumppanuus ja suhteiden hallinta Kohteet sisältävät monialaisia sidosryhmien välisiä verkostoja ja kumppanuuksia. Tehokas ja osallistava verkosto- ja sidosryhmien johtaminen on keskeinen kohteen menestystekijä. Kumppanuus- ja verkostojohtajien tehtävänä on rakentaa toimialojen välistä verkostoa ja yhteistyökulttuuria verkoston toimijoiden vuorovaikutusta varten sekä matkailun aluetalouden vahvistamiseksi. Tätä tarkoitusta varten on tärkeää määritellä rajapinnat hankkeille ja toiminnoille, jotka nojaavat johdonmukaisiin lähestymistapoihin ja alueelliseen tai paikalliseen kohdebrändiin, konkreettisten sidosryhmien etujen ja integroidun verkostoon pohjautuvan markkinoinnin konseptin kehittämiseksi. Digitaalinen osaaminen tukee verkostoitumisen ja sisäisen viestinnän koordinointia. Vihreä osaaminen auttaa vaikuttamaan verkostokumppaneihin matkailutarjonnan kestäväksi kehittämiseksi. Sosiaalinen osaaminen, mukaan lukien tiimityöskentely ja kyky hallita konflikteja, ovat välttämättömiä onnistuneille kumppanuuksille ja verkostoitumiselle.Hierarkiatasot:
Mitkä ovat johdon tasot Destination Management alalla?
Yksityiskohdat ovat tulossa...
Viestintä ja markkinointi
Huolto ja suunnittelu
Terveys & turvallisuus
Teknologinen kehitys
Tuotteistaminen ja tuottojohtaminen
Kumppanuudet, yhteisö- ja yhteiskuntasuhteet
Sähköinen varaus
Kapasiteetin vahvistaminen
Online information and data literacy
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
Digital personal communication and collaboration
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
Digital content creation
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000
Online safety and digital well-being
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000000
Digital problem-solving
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Software and hardware technology
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
Operational sustainability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
Sustainability communication
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Foundational sustainability practices
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
Functional and societal behaviour
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Professional attitude
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
Social cultural ability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000