Matrice des compétences 360
Cette matrice vous donne un aperçu complet des nouvelles compétences qui sont LES plus importantes pour les emplois dans le tourisme. Ces compétences sont réparties par secteur, veuillez donc en sélectionner un pour les voir.
Qu'est-ce qui compose l'industrie du tourisme et des services de voyage ?
Quelle taille/type d'organisation envisagez-vous dans la gestion des destinations ?
Explication sur les compétences
4. Filtres supplémentaires (facultatif) :
Depending on the filters that you defined, you now see a list of skills with colors and numbers.
- underlying colors give a first visual idea “at a quick glance” if the required skills level is low , medium or high
- the numbers indicate the level in more detail. <1> means “none or very basic” while <8> indicates the level of a university doctorate level. For details, Read more here …
- then you click on the number, a small window with more detailed description of the required content for this skill appears
Read more
Numbers 1-8 are more detailed and refer approximately to finished training and education levels:
- 1 = No or very basic knowledge /// Level of primary education
- 2 = Some basic skills /// E.g. after having taken a short introductory course
- 3 = Good general idea but without specific higher knowledge /// Generally equivalent to the level of finished secondary education (12 years school)
- 4 = Specialized knowledge and skills in the topic
- 5 = High specialized knowledge /// Full vocational education or equivalent degree
- 6 = Professional knowledge /// Polytechnic or higher vocational education
- 7 = High professional knowledge /// University master level
- 8 = The highest professional knowledge /// University PhD or higher
Depending on the skill, you should understand the level according to your own experience and knowledge, even if you do not have a formal degree of the indicated level. This is especially valid for many of the digital and social skills, where formal education is often not available or cannot be accredited.
Domaines fonctionnels :
Quels sont les domaines fonctionnels communs ?
Dans la recherche menée par le NTG, les domaines suivants ont été considérés comme des domaines fonctionnels communs. Une entreprise saine fonctionne comme un être vivant avec des zones fonctionnelles qui s'occupent de différents domaines. Ces domaines fonctionnels regroupent des compétences et des tâches pour gérer les aspects de l'entreprise qui ont leurs propres protocoles et leur propre logique. Certains domaines fonctionnels de base, tels que le marketing et les finances, sont partagés par presque toutes les entreprises. D'autres, comme l'assistance juridique et les technologies de l'information, deviennent plus essentiels à mesure que l'entreprise se développe. Gestion générale Certains des objectifs et des tâches du domaine de la gestion générale comprennent : être responsable de l'entreprise/entité, définir et réviser la stratégie, les objectifs et les plans de l'entreprise/entité, connaître et développer des relations de loyauté avec les clients et les parties prenantes, créer et motiver une équipe d'employés et atteindre les objectifs prévus dans la stratégie à court et à long terme. Services administratifs Certains des objectifs et des tâches du domaine des services administratifs comprennent : la gestion de toutes les licences et autorisations légales pour l'activité de l'entreprise, le paiement des factures aux fournisseurs, le contrôle des comptes bancaires, la gestion du crédit bancaire, la gestion de la comptabilité, la négociation avec les institutions financières et la mise en œuvre et le contrôle des systèmes de qualité. Gestion des ressources humaines Parmi les objectifs et les tâches du secteur de la gestion des ressources humaines, citons : faciliter les relations entre les travailleurs et les propriétaires, effectuer les révisions salariales, entretenir les relations avec les systèmes de prévention sociale, effectuer l'analyse des plans d'expansion de l'entreprise. Communication et marketing Certains des objectifs et des tâches du secteur de la maintenance et de l'ingénierie sont les suivants : effectuer des activités de maintenance dans les espaces publics de l'hôtel, comme le nettoyage des toilettes, le débouchage des canalisations, la réparation de tous les types de matériel, d'équipements de plomberie et d'électricité et d'articles cosmétiques. Il s'agit également de surveiller les systèmes d'alarme incendie/systèmes de sécurité des personnes, si nécessaire, d'être pleinement informé du fonctionnement du système, de gérer les urgences impliquant les systèmes et de prendre les mesures administratives appropriées conformément aux réglementations, de maintenir l'inventaire de maintenance et de demander des pièces et des fournitures si nécessaire. Les autres tâches de ce secteur sont les suivantes : assurer et maintenir le contrôle du chauffage de l'eau, répondre aux demandes de réparation des clients et comprendre et faire fonctionner les systèmes avancés d'électricité, de plomberie, de réfrigération et de chaudière. Maintenance et ingénierie Parmi les objectifs et les tâches du domaine Santé, sécurité et sûreté, on peut citer : assurer la sécurité de l'accès aux chambres des clients et de la propriété de l'hôtel, surveiller les systèmes d'alarme incendie et de sécurité des personnes si nécessaire, être pleinement informé du fonctionnement du système et gérer les urgences impliquant les systèmes et les administrer correctement conformément aux réglementations, s'assurer que toutes les procédures d'urgence sont répétées, mises en œuvre et appliquées pour garantir la sécurité des clients et des employés. En effet, ce domaine comprend l'assurance de la sécurité des personnes et des biens de tous dans les locaux en appliquant équitablement les règlements de l'hôtel et en respectant strictement les lois, statuts, etc. existants. Santé, sûreté et sécurité Parmi les objectifs et les tâches du secteur de la communication et du marketing, on peut citer : l'identification de nouveaux marchés et d'opportunités commerciales, la représentation de l'hôtel lors d'événements et d'expositions, l'établissement et le renforcement des relations avec les clients existants et nouveaux afin de permettre de futures réservations. Ces activités comprennent : les divertissements, les voyages FAM, les salons professionnels, etc. En effet, dans ce domaine, il s'agit de travailler en étroite collaboration avec le Revenue Manager afin de s'assurer que les négociations tarifaires proposées répondent aux besoins financiers de l'hôtel, d'effectuer le positionnement du site Internet et de procéder à l'examen des commentaires en ligne. Développement technologique Parmi les objectifs et les tâches du secteur du développement technologique, citons : la compréhension des processus commerciaux et de leur interaction avec la technologie, la connaissance des derniers développements technologiques concernant l'entreprise, la création/adaptation d'outils technologiques pour résoudre les processus commerciaux, la maintenance des outils technologiques et le soutien aux employés pour leurs problèmes technologiques.Quels sont les domaines fonctionnels locaux spécifiques du secteur de la gestion des destinations?
Dans la recherche menée par NTG, les domaines suivants ont été considérés comme des domaines fonctionnels spécifiques du secteur de la gestion des destinations. Une entreprise saine fonctionne comme un être vivant avec des zones fonctionnelles qui s'occupent de différents domaines. Les domaines fonctionnels spécifiques regroupent des compétences et des tâches pour gérer les aspects de l'entreprise qui ont leurs propres protocoles et leur propre logique. Gestion de produits / projets Les produits du tourisme de destination évoluent constamment et s'adaptent aux nouvelles tendances et demandes des visiteurs. Le DMO peut aider au développement de produits, de la conception à la livraison, et soutenir la promotion et le marketing des marques de destination et des expériences touristiques clés de niche. L'innovation et la qualité des expériences des visiteurs ainsi que les nouveaux produits et services touristiques doivent être intégrés à l'image globale de la localité ou de la région de destination. À cette fin, des critères de qualité peuvent être développés pour soutenir le marketing et la publicité de la marque de la destination, en collaboration avec d'autres départements concernés.Les gestionnaires de projets basés sur la destination conseillent et représentent le client et sont responsables de la gestion quotidienne des projets. Les responsabilités peuvent inclure la commande/gestion de l'équipe de conception, les achats, les autorités de planification, le budget, les entrepreneurs, les services publics, les assurances, les changements, le cycle de vie du projet et la gestion des documents, le suivi et le compte rendu des délais, des coûts, de la qualité et des risques.Les compétences numériques facilitent la capacité à trouver et à utiliser les outils appropriés pour le développement de produits et les tâches de gestion de projet, par exemple la création d'itinéraires numériques, la gestion de systèmes numériques de gestion de projet. Les compétences vertes permettent de soutenir la gestion environnementale de la destination et d'encourager les prestataires de services à protéger l'environnement par le biais de produits et de services touristiques respectueux de l'environnement, de la réduction de la consommation d'énergie et de la gestion de l'eau et des déchets. Les compétences sociales, telles que la capacité à communiquer efficacement et à travailler en équipe, l'écoute et l'empathie, sont importantes pour travailler avec succès avec les différents services. Partenariat et relations communautaires Les destinations impliquent des réseaux et des partenariats intersectoriels multipartites. L'engagement et la gestion efficaces des réseaux et des parties prenantes sont un facteur clé de succès. Les gestionnaires de partenariats et de réseaux ont pour tâche de créer une structure de réseau intersectoriel pertinente et une culture de collaboration pour l'interaction des acteurs du réseau ainsi que pour le renforcement des cycles économiques régionaux dépendant du tourisme. À cette fin, il est important de définir des interfaces conceptuelles et opérationnelles pour les projets et les activités qui s'appuient sur des approches et des connexions cohérentes avec la marque de destination régionale ou locale, afin de développer des avantages tangibles pour les parties prenantes et un concept de marketing de réseau intégré. Les compétences numériques soutiennent la coordination de la mise en réseau et de la communication interne. Les compétences écologiques aident à influencer les partenaires du réseau pour une orientation environnementale durable de l'offre touristique. Les compétences sociales, notamment le travail en équipe et la capacité à gérer les conflits, sont essentielles à la réussite des partenariats et de la mise en réseau.Niveaux hiérarchiques :
Quels sont les niveaux de management dans le secteur de la gestion des destinations ?
Détail à venir.....
Gestion générale
Services administratifs
Ressources humaines
Communication et marketing
Maintenance et ingénierie
Santé, sécurité et sûreté
Développement technologique
Développement de produits / projets
Partenariat et comunication
Online information and data literacy
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
Digital personal communication and collaboration
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
Digital content creation
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000000
Online safety and digital well-being
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000000000
Digital problem-solving
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
Software and hardware technology
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
Operational sustainability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
Sustainability communication
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
Foundational sustainability practices
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
Functional and societal behaviour
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
Professional attitude
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
Social cultural ability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)00000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)000000000
Explication sur les compétences
4. Filtres supplémentaires (facultatif) :
Depending on the filters that you defined, you now see a list of skills with colors and numbers.
- underlying colors give a first visual idea “at a quick glance” if the required skills level is low , medium or high
- the numbers indicate the level in more detail. <1> means “none or very basic” while <8> indicates the level of a university doctorate level. For details, Read more here …
- then you click on the number, a small window with more detailed description of the required content for this skill appears
Read more
Numbers 1-8 are more detailed and refer approximately to finished training and education levels:
- 1 = No or very basic knowledge /// Level of primary education
- 2 = Some basic skills /// E.g. after having taken a short introductory course
- 3 = Good general idea but without specific higher knowledge /// Generally equivalent to the level of finished secondary education (12 years school)
- 4 = Specialized knowledge and skills in the topic
- 5 = High specialized knowledge /// Full vocational education or equivalent degree
- 6 = Professional knowledge /// Polytechnic or higher vocational education
- 7 = High professional knowledge /// University master level
- 8 = The highest professional knowledge /// University PhD or higher
Depending on the skill, you should understand the level according to your own experience and knowledge, even if you do not have a formal degree of the indicated level. This is especially valid for many of the digital and social skills, where formal education is often not available or cannot be accredited.
Domaines fonctionnels :
Quels sont les domaines fonctionnels communs ?
Dans la recherche menée par le NTG, les domaines suivants ont été considérés comme des domaines fonctionnels communs. Une entreprise saine fonctionne comme un être vivant avec des zones fonctionnelles qui s'occupent de différents domaines. Ces domaines fonctionnels regroupent des compétences et des tâches pour gérer les aspects de l'entreprise qui ont leurs propres protocoles et leur propre logique. Certains domaines fonctionnels de base, tels que le marketing et les finances, sont partagés par presque toutes les entreprises. D'autres, comme l'assistance juridique et les technologies de l'information, deviennent plus essentiels à mesure que l'entreprise se développe. Gestion générale Certains des objectifs et des tâches du domaine de la gestion générale comprennent : être responsable de l'entreprise/entité, définir et réviser la stratégie, les objectifs et les plans de l'entreprise/entité, connaître et développer des relations de loyauté avec les clients et les parties prenantes, créer et motiver une équipe d'employés et atteindre les objectifs prévus dans la stratégie à court et à long terme. Services administratifs Certains des objectifs et des tâches du domaine des services administratifs comprennent : la gestion de toutes les licences et autorisations légales pour l'activité de l'entreprise, le paiement des factures aux fournisseurs, le contrôle des comptes bancaires, la gestion du crédit bancaire, la gestion de la comptabilité, la négociation avec les institutions financières et la mise en œuvre et le contrôle des systèmes de qualité. Gestion des ressources humaines Parmi les objectifs et les tâches du secteur de la gestion des ressources humaines, citons : faciliter les relations entre les travailleurs et les propriétaires, effectuer les révisions salariales, entretenir les relations avec les systèmes de prévention sociale, effectuer l'analyse des plans d'expansion de l'entreprise. Communication et marketing Certains des objectifs et des tâches du secteur de la maintenance et de l'ingénierie sont les suivants : effectuer des activités de maintenance dans les espaces publics de l'hôtel, comme le nettoyage des toilettes, le débouchage des canalisations, la réparation de tous les types de matériel, d'équipements de plomberie et d'électricité et d'articles cosmétiques. Il s'agit également de surveiller les systèmes d'alarme incendie/systèmes de sécurité des personnes, si nécessaire, d'être pleinement informé du fonctionnement du système, de gérer les urgences impliquant les systèmes et de prendre les mesures administratives appropriées conformément aux réglementations, de maintenir l'inventaire de maintenance et de demander des pièces et des fournitures si nécessaire. Les autres tâches de ce secteur sont les suivantes : assurer et maintenir le contrôle du chauffage de l'eau, répondre aux demandes de réparation des clients et comprendre et faire fonctionner les systèmes avancés d'électricité, de plomberie, de réfrigération et de chaudière. Maintenance et ingénierie Parmi les objectifs et les tâches du domaine Santé, sécurité et sûreté, on peut citer : assurer la sécurité de l'accès aux chambres des clients et de la propriété de l'hôtel, surveiller les systèmes d'alarme incendie et de sécurité des personnes si nécessaire, être pleinement informé du fonctionnement du système et gérer les urgences impliquant les systèmes et les administrer correctement conformément aux réglementations, s'assurer que toutes les procédures d'urgence sont répétées, mises en œuvre et appliquées pour garantir la sécurité des clients et des employés. En effet, ce domaine comprend l'assurance de la sécurité des personnes et des biens de tous dans les locaux en appliquant équitablement les règlements de l'hôtel et en respectant strictement les lois, statuts, etc. existants. Santé, sûreté et sécurité Parmi les objectifs et les tâches du secteur de la communication et du marketing, on peut citer : l'identification de nouveaux marchés et d'opportunités commerciales, la représentation de l'hôtel lors d'événements et d'expositions, l'établissement et le renforcement des relations avec les clients existants et nouveaux afin de permettre de futures réservations. Ces activités comprennent : les divertissements, les voyages FAM, les salons professionnels, etc. En effet, dans ce domaine, il s'agit de travailler en étroite collaboration avec le Revenue Manager afin de s'assurer que les négociations tarifaires proposées répondent aux besoins financiers de l'hôtel, d'effectuer le positionnement du site Internet et de procéder à l'examen des commentaires en ligne. Développement technologique Parmi les objectifs et les tâches du secteur du développement technologique, citons : la compréhension des processus commerciaux et de leur interaction avec la technologie, la connaissance des derniers développements technologiques concernant l'entreprise, la création/adaptation d'outils technologiques pour résoudre les processus commerciaux, la maintenance des outils technologiques et le soutien aux employés pour leurs problèmes technologiques.Quels sont les domaines fonctionnels locaux spécifiques du secteur de la gestion des destinations?
Dans la recherche menée par NTG, les domaines suivants ont été considérés comme des domaines fonctionnels spécifiques du secteur de la gestion des destinations. Une entreprise saine fonctionne comme un être vivant avec des zones fonctionnelles qui s'occupent de différents domaines. Les domaines fonctionnels spécifiques regroupent des compétences et des tâches pour gérer les aspects de l'entreprise qui ont leurs propres protocoles et leur propre logique. Gestion de produits / projets Les produits du tourisme de destination évoluent constamment et s'adaptent aux nouvelles tendances et demandes des visiteurs. Le DMO peut aider au développement de produits, de la conception à la livraison, et soutenir la promotion et le marketing des marques de destination et des expériences touristiques clés de niche. L'innovation et la qualité des expériences des visiteurs ainsi que les nouveaux produits et services touristiques doivent être intégrés à l'image globale de la localité ou de la région de destination. À cette fin, des critères de qualité peuvent être développés pour soutenir le marketing et la publicité de la marque de la destination, en collaboration avec d'autres départements concernés.Les gestionnaires de projets basés sur la destination conseillent et représentent le client et sont responsables de la gestion quotidienne des projets. Les responsabilités peuvent inclure la commande/gestion de l'équipe de conception, les achats, les autorités de planification, le budget, les entrepreneurs, les services publics, les assurances, les changements, le cycle de vie du projet et la gestion des documents, le suivi et le compte rendu des délais, des coûts, de la qualité et des risques.Les compétences numériques facilitent la capacité à trouver et à utiliser les outils appropriés pour le développement de produits et les tâches de gestion de projet, par exemple la création d'itinéraires numériques, la gestion de systèmes numériques de gestion de projet. Les compétences vertes permettent de soutenir la gestion environnementale de la destination et d'encourager les prestataires de services à protéger l'environnement par le biais de produits et de services touristiques respectueux de l'environnement, de la réduction de la consommation d'énergie et de la gestion de l'eau et des déchets. Les compétences sociales, telles que la capacité à communiquer efficacement et à travailler en équipe, l'écoute et l'empathie, sont importantes pour travailler avec succès avec les différents services. Partenariat et relations communautaires Les destinations impliquent des réseaux et des partenariats intersectoriels multipartites. L'engagement et la gestion efficaces des réseaux et des parties prenantes sont un facteur clé de succès. Les gestionnaires de partenariats et de réseaux ont pour tâche de créer une structure de réseau intersectoriel pertinente et une culture de collaboration pour l'interaction des acteurs du réseau ainsi que pour le renforcement des cycles économiques régionaux dépendant du tourisme. À cette fin, il est important de définir des interfaces conceptuelles et opérationnelles pour les projets et les activités qui s'appuient sur des approches et des connexions cohérentes avec la marque de destination régionale ou locale, afin de développer des avantages tangibles pour les parties prenantes et un concept de marketing de réseau intégré. Les compétences numériques soutiennent la coordination de la mise en réseau et de la communication interne. Les compétences écologiques aident à influencer les partenaires du réseau pour une orientation environnementale durable de l'offre touristique. Les compétences sociales, notamment le travail en équipe et la capacité à gérer les conflits, sont essentielles à la réussite des partenariats et de la mise en réseau.Niveaux hiérarchiques :
Quels sont les niveaux de management dans le secteur de la gestion des destinations ?
Détail à venir.....
Gestion générale
Services administratifs
Ressources humaines
Communication et marketing
Maintenance et ingénierie
Santé, sécurité et sûreté
Développement technologique
Développement de produits / projets
Partenariat et comunication
Destination man.
Réservation électronique
Renforcement des capacités
Online information and data literacy
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
Digital personal communication and collaboration
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
Digital content creation
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000
Online safety and digital well-being
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000000
Digital problem-solving
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Software and hardware technology
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
Operational sustainability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
Sustainability communication
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Foundational sustainability practices
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000000
Functional and societal behaviour
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship0000000000000000
Professional attitude
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
Social cultural ability
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000000000
General managementAdministration servicesHuman resources managementCommunication and marketingMaintenance and engineeringHealth, safety and securityTechnology developmentProduct / project development, incl. integrated quality management and quality monitoring (e.g. certification)Partnership and community relation (communication with stakeholders /committees and association work /partnerships)Destination Management Planning/regional infrastructure developmentElectronic reservation/booking systemsCapacity building, training and education for SMEs and local tourism professionals/ Innovation and entrepreneurship000000